埃尔帕索动物服务中心 福斯特 Progrbb体育 asks community members to open their doors to our animals. 福斯特ing is one of the most important ways you can help the animals of EPAS. 为我们的临时居民提供住所, 你们将帮助拯救生命,让家人团聚.
- Each animal fostered out to a home opens up a kennel space for us to save another animal.
- 培养可以提供独特的, individualized attention that some special needs animals require before they’re ready for adoption.
- 培养有直接的, positive impact on the animal and is a very rewarding experience for those who choose to become caregivers.
- 埃尔帕索动物服务中心 provides caregivers with everything you need—food, 用品(如有)和医疗.
- 有效证件(i).e. 军军证、驾照等.).
- 完成寄养申请(亲自或在线).)
- 住在埃尔帕索县
- 这是*高度* recommended for resident pets to be up-to-date on rabies, distemper/parvo, and bordetella vaccines.
Please consider supporting our lifesaving 福斯特 Progrbb体育 by donating much-needed supplies for our fosters. 我们的寄养计划严格依靠捐款运作, 所以我们总是需要狗粮和猫粮, 板条箱和狗舍, 猫狗玩具, 小狗护垫等. 你可以 bring in-kind donations to the 埃尔帕索动物服务中心 Center, or by conveniently donating from the comfort of your home from our Amazon Wishlist.
It can vary on the pet(s) that you take, but usually it’s only for a 2 to 8 week period. 在COVID-19形势下, 我们要求家庭承诺至少2-4周的时间, 如果需要,可以选择延长寄养合同.
寄养是完全免费的! 我们提供食物, 供应(如有), 用品是捐赠的), 还有医疗护理,你需要帮助照顾你的宠物.
My foster contract is ending, but I still want to keep my foster pet
大多数寄养合同都有截止日期, but that doesn’t mean you have to bring your pet back—we’d actually rather have them stay in a foster home rather than come back to the shelter until they find their forever home! 如果你想延长寄养合同,请发邮件给我们 epasfoster@elpasotexas.政府.
If you just took your foster home and it’s only been a couple of hours/days, this is common! Shelter stress is very real and can make pets anxious—expect that your pet might be very energetic, 刚开始的几天,家里发生意外,脾气暴躁. 耐心点,事情会好起来的. 查看有关减压3-3-3规则的信息,把我们的 寄养狗定向 有关帮助宠物适应家庭环境的更多建议.
我们有一个培训团队 &bb体育p; Enrichment Coordinators 在这里 at the shelter ready to help and available to all fosters at no cost! If you need training tips or advice for your pet, reach out to our foster coordinator at epasfoster@elpasotexas.政府 这样他们就能让你联系上他们.
We ask that if you need to cancel your foster contract for any reason, to please schedule an appointment to do so and fill out the questionnaire. The time your foster pet spent at home gives us a great resource of information to help that pet find a good match. Our Population Management tebb体育 also needs to make sure we have space for the pet to come back to the shelter, or we can also try to work on lining up another foster home for the pet rather than them coming back at all. 你可以在网上预约取消寄养.
是的! 养一只或多只宠物可以让你赚20-40个小时, 视乎寄养期的长短及宠物的种类而定. Let our foster tebb体育 know you’re needing community service hours when during your foster counseling session.
有时, 你可能会收养可能生病的宠物, 或者从伤病中恢复. 寄养宠物仍然是收容所的宠物, 意思是更多的时候, 我们不了解他们的医学背景. 正因为如此, we always encourage you to make sure your current pets are up-to-date on core vaccines, 让你的孩子分开, 要么在空房间,要么在浴室, 至少几个星期吧.
当然! 我们的大多数寄养家庭也有自己的宠物. Just let our foster tebb体育 know what kind of pet(s) you have so we can help you find a good match, but also be prepared to separate your foster pet for a few days/weeks while they decompress* from the shelter. 有更多关于减压的信息 养狗指引. 也, be sure to check out the information toward the bottom of this page on how to introduce your foster pet to your resident pets successfully.
我们将指导您完成整个过程! We also have various trainings and resources on this page that will help you become a foster superhero.
是的! 如果你有兴趣收养你的宠物, please let our foster coordinator know as soon as possible and they can advise you on the adoption process. If you weren’t planning on adopting your foster pet at the beginning of your foster contract, 但你改变了主意, please let us know as soon as possible so we can help you with the process and let any other potential adopters interested know.
是的! The goal of our foster progrbb体育 is to encourage and empower you to find adopters for your foster pets. 我们的目标是让宠物完全远离收容所, 如果你能找到你的寄养宠物他们永远的家, 这样它们就不用再回到狗窝了! Ask our foster coordinator on how you can become an 采用ion Ambassador for your foster and help them find loving forever homes.
收集潜在收养人的名字, address, 电话号码及电邮地址, 然后发邮件给我们的寄养团队 epasfoster@elpasotexas.政府 所以我们的团队可以帮助他们领养孩子. 宠物在绝育前不能被收养, 但如果他们还没有接受手术, 我们还是可以把寄养合同转让给未来的收养人.
采用ion fees are $30 for dogs, $5 for cats, but we often host adoption promotions as well.
Kennel cough is very common in shelters, and is like a common cold and treaded with medication. 请在网上预约 在这里,或者通过EPASfoster@elpasotexasbb体育的寄养团队.查询电话:(915)212-8732.
如果是紧急情况(癫痫), 腹泻带血, 不吃, 普通呕吐), 而且是下班后, 请拨打我们的寄养紧急热线:(915)478-7527. 如果不是紧急情况,可以等到第二天再处理, 请在网上预约我们的医疗团队 在这里,或者通过EPASfoster@elpasotexasbb体育的寄养团队.查询电话:(915)212-8732.
你可以, however we will not be able to reimburse you for any expenses that may occur, which is why we strongly encourage scheduling appointments with our medical tebb体育.
Your foster pet will be scheduled for surgery as soon as a surgery slot is available. If someone is interested in adopting your foster pet, please let our foster coordinator know. If you believe your foster pet is experiencing medical issues due to them not being altered, 请通知我们的寄养团队.
你可以在网上预约接种疫苗 在这里, or bring your foster pet in for vaccines any time during normal business hours.
My foster has another medical issue (Ticks, Fleas, Allergies, Ringworm)
通过养宠物, 你会看到他们在家里做得有多好, 什么样的家庭才是最好的, 是什么让他们最快乐. 这些都是帮助他们找到家的好工具! We have some great resources and links toward the bottom of this page, 但你可以通过以下方式开始:
- Take photos and videos of your foster pet that show their true personality
- 在社交媒体页面上发布你的照片, 分散的应用程序, 以及我们的福斯特 Facebook群组——请务必给我们加标签!
- 让他们成为自己的社交媒体页面!
- 把它们发布到我们的“EPAS可收养宠物”Facebook页面上 在这里.
- Make flyers and hang them up at pet food stores, veterinary offices, grooming salons
- 与我们的营销团队分享您的照片和视频 epascontent@elpasotexas.政府
We are also working on some online training, tutorials and templates to help you, so stay tuned!